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Meeting Body: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final-Revised
Meeting date/time: 7/13/2021 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Hall of Records
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda Item #Meeting BodyTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
21-0619 1.Approve AgendaApprove Agendaapproved agendaPass Action details Video Video
21-0620 2.Approve Consent AgendaApprove Consent Agenda - Item Numbers 21 - 58approved as amendedPass Action details Video Video
21-0551 3.Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Pamela E. Fine - Department of the Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association - 20 Years of Service; and Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Diane Ybarra - Department of Social Services - 34 Years of ServicePresentation of Retirement Plaque to Pamela E. Fine - Department of the Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association - 20 Years of Service; and Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Diane Ybarra - Department of Social Services - 34 Years of Service   Action details Video Video
21-0688 4.Confirm Appointment of the Public Defender Confirm Appointment of the Public Defender Confirm Appointment of the Public DefenderConfirm appointment of Antoinette Taillac, effective July 26, 2021, to the position of Public Defender pursuant Fresno County Charter Section 16Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Video Video
21-0631 5.Proclaim July 18th- July 24th as Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision WeekProclaim July 18 - July 24, 2021 as Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision WeekApproved as RecommendedPass Action details Video Video
21-0627 6.Removal of the 120-hour minimum leave use requirement of Annual Leave, and restoral of Annual Leave hours deducted from current employees’ Annual Leave Back during the 2020 Benefit Calendar YearApprove Amendment to the Salary Resolution, deleting Section 615.5.2, which ends the requirement to take a minimum of one-hundred twenty (120) hours (fifteen [15] regular workdays) of Annual Leave for vacation/sick leave during each payroll year; designate the Human Resources Department to engage Bargaining Units with respect to any impact from changes in Section 615.5; and direct staff to restore Annual Leave hours deducted from current employees’ Annual Leave Bank during the 2020 Benefit Calendar YearApproved as RecommendedPass Action details Video Video
21-0656 7.Receive direction and American Recovery updateReceive update on American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Sub-Committee Planning & Provide Direction to Staff   Action details Video Video
21-0650 8.Salary Resolution AmendmentApprove Amendment to the Salary Resolution adding one Senior Administrative Analyst position to Administrative Office Org 0120, effective July 26, 2021, as reflected in Appendix CApproved as RecommendedPass Action details Video Video
21-0594 9.Agreement for Substance Abuse Disorder Primary Prevention ServicesHear and consider appeal from California Health Collaborative regarding recommended award of Substance Abuse Disorder Primary Prevention Services for Youth and Young Adults ages 10-20 to the Youth Leadership Institute; and approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with Youth Leadership Institute for Substance Abuse Disorder Primary Prevention Services for Youth and Young adults ages 10-20, effective upon execution, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $6,096,760Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Video Video
21-0611 10.Salary Resolution AmendmentApprove Amendment to the Salary Resolution adding one Principal Accountant allocation for the Fresno County Employees’ Retirement Association Org 9200, effective July 26, 2021 as reflected in Appendix DApproved as RecommendedPass Action details Video Video
21-0564 11.Amendment to the Master Schedule of Fees, Charges, and Recovered Costs Section 1100 - LibraryConduct first hearing to amend the County of Fresno Master Schedule of Fees, Charges, and Recovered Costs Ordinance by amending Subsection 1101 - Lost/Damaged Library Materials Payment of Section 1100 - Library, for fees for the recovery of costs relating to lost or damaged Library materials and services provided to the public (the Ordinance); waive the reading of the proposed Ordinance in its entirety, and set the second hearing of the proposed Ordinance, including its requested Board adoption, for August 10, 2021; designate County Counsel to prepare a fair and adequate summary of the proposed Ordinance; and direct the Clerk of the Board to post and publish the required summary of the proposed Ordinance in accordance with Government Code Section 25124(b)(1)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Video Video
21-0227 12.Partial Cancellation of ALCC No. 2592 (RLCC No. 1010)Consider petition for partial Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract No. 2592 filed by David Morrison Brinkley and Kelly Lynn Harman to remove a 1.50-acre portion of a 32.96-acre parcel from Williamson Act contract to create a separate parcel for residential use; and if your Board is able to make all five required Consistency Findings listed under Government Code, Section 51282(b), adopt a Resolution authorizing partial Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract No. 2592; and adopt Negative Declaration prepared to address potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed PCOC No. 3529 to split off 1.5 acres from a 32.96-acre parcel as a homesite parcel and cancellation of Williamson Act contract on 1.5-acre parcel (Initial Study No. 7940); and authorize Chairman to sign Certificate of Tentative Cancellation and approve recordation of Certificate of Cancellation when all conditions included in Certificate of Tentative Cancellation have been satisfiedApproved as RecommendedPass Action details None
21-0532 13.GPA 564, CUP 3693, IS 7980 Millerton Fire StationConsider and adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for Initial Study No. 7980, including Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program prepared for General Plan Amendment No. 564 amending Land Use Element of the County-adopted Millerton Specific Plan to re-designate a portion of a proposed 5.17-acre parcel from Open Space and Medium Density Residential to Public Facilities to allow a fire station on proposed parcel in O(c) (Open Conservation Conditional) and R-1(c) (Single-Family Residential; 6,000 square-foot minimum parcel size, Conditional) Zone Districts; and adopt Resolution approving General Plan Amendment Application No. 564 amending Land Use Element of the Millerton Specific Plan of the Fresno County General Plan for 2021; and approve Unclassified Conditional Use Permit No. 3693, authorizing a fire station on a proposed 5.17-acre parcel in the O(c) (Open Conservation Conditional) and R-1(c) (Single-Family Residential; 6,000 square-foot minimum parcel size, Conditional) Zone DistrictsApproved as RecommendedPass Action details Video Video
21-0555 14.1st Hearing - Amendment Speed Zone OrdinanceConduct first hearing on an Ordinance to amend Chapter 11.24 - Speed Limits of Fresno County Ordinance Code, Sections 11.24.060 through 11.24.080, to reflect various changes to Ordinance Code as a result of recent traffic studies; waive reading of Ordinance in its entirety; and set second hearing for August 10, 2021; and designate County Counsel to prepare a fair and adequate summary of proposed Ordinance; and direct Clerk of the Board to post and publish required summary in accordance with Government Code, Section 25124(b)(1)Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Video Video
21-0621 15.Board of Supervisors' Committee Reports and CommentsBoard of Supervisors' Committee Reports and Comments - Receive and provide direction (this item reserved for committee reports by members of the Board of Supervisors)   Action details Video Video
21-0622 16.Board AppointmentsBoard Appointments - Receive Boards, Commissions and Committees Vacancy Report; and Appoint Applicants as necessaryApproved as RecommendedPass Action details Video Video
21-0623 17.Public PresentationsPublic Presentations - This portion of the meeting reserved for persons desiring to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda - Pursuant to Administrative Policy No. 29, presentations are limited to 3 minutes per person and no more than 15 minutes total per topic   Action details Video Video
21-0536 18.Conference with legal counsel - Initiation of Litigation; Government Code, section 54956.9(d)(4) (2 Cases)Conference with legal counsel - Initiation of Litigation; Government Code, section 54956.9(d)(4) (2 Cases)   Action details None
21-0542 19.Conference with legal counsel - Significant Exposure to Litigation; Government Code, section 54956.9(d)(2) (3 Cases)Conference with legal counsel - Significant Exposure to Litigation; Government Code, section 54956.9(d)(2) (3 Cases)   Action details None
21-0603 20.Conference with Labor NegotiatorConference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code, section 54957.6): Agency Negotiator: Hollis Magill; Employee Organization: All Bargaining Units and Management and Unrepresented Employees - Hours, Wages and Terms and Conditions of Employment   Action details None
21-0624 21.Action Summary MinutesApprove minutes of meeting for June 22, 2021Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0597 22.Proclaim July 12-16, 2021 "Eligibility Workers, Job Specialists, and Appeals Specialists Week"Proclaim July 12-16, 2021 as Eligibility Workers, Job Specialists, and Appeals Specialists Appreciation WeekConsent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0633 23.Adopt a resolution commending six Fresno-based Rotary Clubs who replaced Personal Protection Equipment for three volunteer fire departments.Adopt a resolution commending the North Fresno Rotary, East Fresno Rotary, Fig Garden Rotary, Cultural Arts Rotary, Fresno Sunrise Rotary, and the Central Passport Rotary clubs who replaced Personal Protection Equipment for three volunteer fire departmentsApproved as RecommendedPass Action details Video Video
21-0655 24.Adjourn in Memory of Martha Ailanjian BalakianAdjourn in Memory of Martha Ailanjian BalakianConsent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0563 25.Amendment to Agreement with Dominion Voting Systems Inc.Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute First Amendment to Agreement A-19-227 with Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., for voting equipment, election services, maintenance, and support effective upon execution with no change to the term of May 14, 2019 through May 13, 2022 and increasing the contract maximum by $10,744 to a total of $2,909,148Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Video Video
21-0509 26.Retroactive Revenue Agreements with the USDA Forest Service, Sierra National Forests for Law Enforcement ServicesApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive revenue Agreement referred to as the 2021 Controlled Substance Annual Operating and Financial Plan, Modification 12, to Agreement 17-103 with the USDA, Forest Service, Sierra and Sequoia National Forest, effective October 01, 2020 and ending September 30, 2021, total not to exceed $18,000. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive revenue Agreement, referred to as the 2021 Annual Operating and Financial Plan, Modification 11, to Agreement 17-103 with the USDA, Forest Services, Sierra National Forest, effective October 01, 2020 and ending September 30, 2021, total not to exceed $26,000Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0607 27.Adoption and Levy of Special Tax for Mello-Roos Community Facilities District, No. 2006-01, for Enhanced Police Protection Service for FY 2021-22Adopt and authorize Chairman to execute Resolution approving special tax amount, and levying special tax in the maximum total amount of $334,512.86, on developed real properties within (Mello-Roos) Countywide Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 2006-01 (District), including its Annexation Territories, for enhanced police protection services for FY 2021-22Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
20-1415 28.Revisions of AP 49Approve revisions to Administrative Policy 49 - Information Technology and Telecommunications Security PolicyConsent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0601 29.Continuation of the Creek Fire Local Emergency and Local Health Emergency Status in Fresno CountyAdopt Resolution proclaiming continuation of the local emergency status relating to the 2020 Creek Fire and request that the Governor continue to provide resources and support to mitigate and recover from this wildfire; and adopt Resolution proclaiming continuation of the Local Health Emergency, due to the public health threat of the 2020 Creek FireConsent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0604 30.Continuation of Tree Mortality Local Emergency Status in Fresno CountyAdopt Resolution proclaiming continuation of the local emergency status relating to the extremely high levels of tree mortality and hazardous conditions created by the drought and request that the Governor continue to provide resources and support to mitigate risk of falling trees and increased fire hazardConsent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0357 31.Retroactive Master Agreement with Licensed and Credentialed FacilitiesApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive Master Agreement with licensed and credentialed mental health facilities for placement beds and services for adults with severe and persistent mental conditions, effective July 1, 2021, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $133,577,211; and, authorize the Director of the Department of Behavioral Health, or designee, to: a. add and/or delete licensed and credentialed mental health facilities and ancillary services contractors to the Master Agreement, as necessary; b. adjust the Basic Services Daily Bed Rates, as mandated by the State; c. negotiate and adjust Enhanced Services Bed Rates and other Enhanced Services for appropriate levels of care, when needed; and, d. modify the Scope of Work as needed to accommodate revisions in the law relating to mental health treatment services, without exceeding the contract maximumConsent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0431 32.Amendment to Agt No. 19-541 with Corporation for Supportive HousingApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive Amendment I to Agreement No. 19-541 with the Corporation for Supportive Housing, to reallocate deliverables effective June 1, 2020, with no change in term of October 22, 2019 through October 21, 2022 or compensation maximum of $400,000Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0464 33.Retroactive Agreement with Integrated Prescription Management for Pharmaceutical Services Agreement with Integrated Prescription Management for Pharmaceutical Services Agreement with Integrated Prescription Management for Pharmaceutical ServicesApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive Agreement with Integrated Prescription Management for pharmaceutical services for persons served by the Departments of Behavioral Health and Social Services, effective July 1, 2021, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $300,000Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0648 34.Assistant Sheriff Classification Participation in Fresno Deputy Sheriff Association Health Insurance PlansApprove Assistant Sheriff Job Classification to Participate in the Fresno Deputy Sheriff's Association Health Insurance PlansConsent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0491 35.Agreement with Aeon Nexus Corporation for New Case Management SystemApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with Aeon Nexus Corporation for a public defender case management system, effective upon execution, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $1,400,000Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0568 36.Agreement with Domo, Inc.Make a finding that it is in the best interest of the County to waive the competitive bidding process consistent with Administrative Policy No. 34 for unusual or extraordinary circumstances as Domo, Inc. is the only vendor that provides HIPAA compliant analytic software tools; and, approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a sole source Agreement with Domo, Inc. for software licenses, maintenance, support, and related services, effective July 13, 2021, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $523,155Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0599 37.Resolution to Increase Appropriations for Internal Services DepartmentAdopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2021-22 appropriations for Internal Services Department - Fleet Services - Equipment Org 8911 in the amount of $6,610,392 for the purchase of replacement light/heavy duty vehicles and equipment for various departments (4/5 vote)Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0614 38.First Amendment and Assignment of Agreement with Kertel Communications, Inc., dba Sebastian, to Audeamus, dba SebastianApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute Assignment and First Amendment assigning Agreement No. 18-653-1 from Kertel Communications, Inc., dba Sebastian, to Audeamus, dba Sebastian, for alarm system maintenance, repair, inspection, and monitoring services, effective upon execution, with no change in term from November 6, 2018 to November 5, 2022, and increasing the maximum by $45,000, to a total of $100,000Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0617 39.Amendment to Agreement with Belfor USA Group Inc., dba Belfor Property RestorationApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a First Amendment to Agreement No. 17-456 with Belfor USA Group Inc., dba Belfor Property Restoration, for disaster/emergency restoration and repair services, effective upon execution, with no change in term to September 11, 2022 and increasing the maximum compensation amount by $1,000,000 to a total of $3,500,000Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0659 39.1Amendments to the Solar and Energy Storage Services Agreements with ForeFront Power for the Juvenile Justice CampusApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment No. 1 to Energy Services Agreement-Solar No. 20-064 with FFP BTM Solar, LLC (“ForeFront Power”) to revise the construction start date and address liquidated damages with no change to the term of February 4, 2020 through February 3, 2045; approve and authorize the Chairman execute Amended and Restated Energy Services Agreement-Energy Storage No. 20-065 with ForeFront Power to amend and restate the Original Special Conditions with no change to the term of February 4, 2020 through February 3, 2030; and, authorize the Director of Internal Services/Chief Information Officer to approve and execute extensions to the construction start dates for Agreements Nos. 20-064 and 20-065Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
20-1336 40.Execution of Agreements for the COVID-19 Equity ProjectApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute First Amendment to Agreement No. D-20-297 with Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission for the COVID-19 Equity Project - African American Coalition to extend the term, add the provision of COVID vaccine services, influenza and/or other communicable diseases support services, add/adjust required Federal funding terms and conditions, and increase maximum compensation by $1,303,061, effective August 7, 2020 through December 31, 2021, total not to exceed $2,951,732; approve and authorize the Chairman to execute First Amendment to Agreement No. D-20-430 with Exceptional Parents Unlimited for the COVID-19 Equity Project- Disability Equity Project Coalition to extend the term, add the provision of COVID vaccine support, influenza and/or other communicable diseases support services, add/adjust required Federal funding terms and conditions, and increase maximum by $687,957, effective September 30, 2020 through December 31, 2021, total not to exceed $2,425,000; and ratify Agreement No. D-20-524 with Building Healthy Communities for the COVID-19 EcontinuedPass Action details Video Video
21-0295 41.Amendment I to Agreement No. A-21-067, COVID-19 VaccinationApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive First Amendment to Agreement No. A-21-067 with Pinnacle Training Systems, LLC expanding COVID-19 vaccination portability to additional County departments, and expanding COVID-19 vaccination to the general public, with no change to the term of February 15, 2021 through December 31, 2021, or compensation maximum of $500,000Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0456 42.Retroactive Second Amendment with Valley Health Team, Inc.Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive Second Amendment to Agreement No. 19-386 with Valley Health Team, Inc., to adjust the effective date of the Agreement from August 6, 2019 to March 1, 2019 to align with the date the provider began providing services with no change to the expiration date or compensation maximum of $1,199,997Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0580 43.Applications for grant fundingRetroactively approve and authorize the Department of Public Health’s previous submittal of a California Community Reinvestment Grants Program application to the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development for the advancement of health, wellness, and economic justice for populations and communities harmed by the war on drugs ($900,000); retroactively approve and authorize the Department of Public Health’s previous submittal of a grant application, accept the Notice of Award and approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the grant agreement from the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health to implement evidence-based health literacy strategies to enhance COVID-19 testing, contact tracing and/or other mitigation measures for time period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023 ($3,000,000); retroactively approve and authorize the Department of Public Health’s previous submittal of a grant application, accept the Notice of Award and approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the grant agreement from the Centers for DiseConsent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
20-0826 44.CSA 32 Annexation No. 1Adopt a Resolution authorizing submittal of a Change of Organization and Municipal Service Review Applications to Fresno Local Agency Formation Commission to expand sphere of influence and annex approximately 49.10 acres to County Service Area 32 and authorizing Director of Public Works and Planning or his/her designee to act on County’s behalf, and to execute and submit documents as required, effectuating proposed Change of Organization; and authorize Director of Public Works and Planning or his/her designee to request a fee waiver for Fresno Local Agency Formation Commission Change of Organization and Municipal Service Review Application FeesApproved as RecommendedPass Action details Video Video
20-1593 45.Award Contract 20-S-01 Environmental Compliance CenterAdopt plans and specifications for construction of a new Environmental Compliance Center facility for central collection and disposal of household hazardous waste products, to be located at 301 S. West Avenue, Fresno, CA; and award Contract 20-S-01 for construction of Environmental Compliance Center facility, to lowest responsible bidder, BMY Construction, 5485 East Olive Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727, in total amount of $2,660,000Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0152 46.Resolutions Initiating Annual Assessment & Resolution of Intent to Levy an Annual Assessment Proceedings for County Service Area No. 2Adopt Resolution initiating annual assessment proceedings under Chapter 3 of Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 for operation and maintenance of Tenaya Park in County Service Area No. 2, Tenaya Estates, and appointing an Assessment Engineer to prepare and file an Engineer’s Report; and receive and approve “Engineer’s Report Tenaya Park Assessment District, County Service Area No. 2 Annual Benefit Assessment for Tenaya Park Operations & Maintenance,” prepared by Steven E. White, P.E.; and adopt Resolution of Intention to levy an annual assessment under Chapter 3 of Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 in Tenaya Park Assessment District in County Service Area No. 2 and set a public hearing on August 10, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., or as soon as practicable, to consider an assessment for operation and maintenance of Tenaya Park, benefitting properties within County Service Area 2, Tenaya Estates, which includes 142 residential parcelsConsent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0160 47.Resolutions Initiating Annual Assessment & Resolution of Intent to Levy an Annual Assessment Proceedings for County Service Area No. 34, Zone DAdopt Resolution initiating annual assessment proceedings under Chapter 3 of Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 for street lighting services, open space maintenance, and public right-of-way landscape maintenance in County Service Area No. 34, Zone D, Renaissance at Bella Vista, and appointing an Assessment Engineer to prepare and file an Engineer’s Report; and receive and approve “Engineer’s Report Renaissance at Bella Vista Assessment District (Assessment District), Fresno County Service Area No. 34 Zone D Annual Benefit Assessment for Street Lighting, Open Space Maintenance, and Public Right-of-Way Landscape Maintenance,” prepared by Steven E. White, P.E.; and adopt Resolution of Intention to levy an annual assessment under Chapter 3 of Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 in County Service Area No. 34, Zone D, and setting a public hearing on proposed assessment for August 10, 2021, at 10:00 a.m., or as soon after as practicable, to consider an assessment for street lighting services, open space maintenance and public right-of-way landscape maintenance, benefitting properties witConsent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0290 48.Vacation of Drainage Easement Lot 15 Map of Tract No 4197Adopt a Resolution of Intention initiating a hearing under Chapter 3, Part 3, Division 9 of the Streets and Highways Code (collectively, the “Vacation Laws"), setting 10:00 a.m. on August 10, 2021, in the Board of Supervisors’ chambers, as the time, date, and place for the Board to conduct a hearing for the proposed vacation of the drainage public service easement, a portion of easement located at 21872 Eastmere Lane, Friant CA 93626, (Intersection of Brighton Crest Drive and Eastmere Lane) approximately 0.04 acres (Vacation Application No. V21-02), directing the Clerk of the Board to cause the posting, publishing, and mailing of notice(s), as required by the Vacation Laws, and directing the Department of Public Works and Planning to post notices on site as required by the Vacation LawsConsent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0417 49.Agreement with Riverdale Memorial District (CDBG 20591)Approve and authorize Chairman to execute an Agreement with Riverdale Memorial District for Riverdale Memorial Hall Improvements, Community Development Block Grant Project No. 20591, effective upon execution through October 31, 2022, total not to exceed $250,000Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0454 50.Amendment to Exclusive Service Area Program Agreement with Western Solid WasteApprove and authorize Chairman to execute Amendment II to Amended and Successor Exclusive Service Area Program Agreement No. 17-572 with Western Solid Waste to establish a successor recycling surcharge methodology based on a recyclable commodity market index, establish maximum rates for organic materials collection, and revise Schedule of Maximum Special Service Rates to include charges for overfilled containers, as well as charges for recycling and organic materials contamination, with no change to Agreement term of February 28, 2018 through February 28, 2028Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0457 51.Partial Cancellation of ALCC Nos. 365 and 367, and Cancellation of ALCC Nos. 2227 and 2799 (RLCC Nos. 982, 983, 985 and 986)Adopt Resolution authorizing revised Certificates of Tentative Cancellation for the partial Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract Nos. 365 and 367 and Cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract Nos. 2227 and 2799 filed by RWE Solar Development, LLC on behalf of G3 Farming Trust, Woolf Properties and Woolf Family Trust No. I; and authorize Chairman to sign the revised Certificates of Tentative Cancellation and approve recordation of the Certificates of Cancellation when all conditions included in revised Certificates of Tentative Cancellation have been satisfiedConsent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0489 52.Amendment to Agreement No. 16-445 with Geo-Logic AssociatesApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive First Amendment to Agreement No. 16-445 with Geo-Logic Associates, Inc., for engineering consultant services related to the American Avenue Disposal Site, to extend the term by five years (three-year base contract with two optional one-year renewals), effective July 12, 2021 to July 12, 2026 with no change to the compensation maximum of $2,000,000Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0541 53.American Avenue Disposal Site Waiver of Extra-Help Maximum Hour LimitationAuthorize a waiver of the 28 hours per week and 960 hours per calendar year maximum hours limitation for Extra-Help position(s) listed on Attachment A in Department of Public Works and Planning, Org 9026 - American Avenue Disposal Site, pursuant to provisions set forth in Salary Resolution, section 1100 and Personnel Rules 2040 and 4240Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0584 54.Change Order Contract 19-18-CDApprove an increase in Community Development Block Grant funds provided for El Porvenir and Cantua Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements, Community Development Block Grant Project Nos. 18291 and 18091, increasing maximum funds provided for these projects by $33,000; to $933,000; and authorize Chairman to execute a Contract Change Order for Contract No. 19-18-CD - Wastewater Treatment Improvements at El Porvenir and Cantua Creek Facilities, which will increase contract amount by $66,617.46, exceeding authorized Director’s limit of $44,537, increasing maximum by $66,617.46 to a total of $707,265.46Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0596 55.Agreement for Consultant Services Related to Big Dry Creek Reservoir Operational ChangesApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute the Cost Share Agreement with the Fresno Irrigation District, the City of Clovis, and the City of Fresno for Consultant Services from Austin Ewell Related to Legislative Support for Big Dry Creek Reservoir Operational Changes, effective upon execution through December 31, 2021, total not to exceed $21,500Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0554 56.Amendment to Revenue Agreement with California Department of Housing and Community DevelopmentApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment I to Agreement No. 21-012 with the California Department of Housing and Community Development to add round two CARES Act Emergency Solutions Grant funds, effective upon execution by the State, through September 30, 2022, increasing the maximum by $1,512,000 to a total of $2,520,100Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0587 57.Agreement with Fresno Economic Opportunities CommissionMake a finding that it is in the best interest of the County to suspend the competitive bidding process consistent with Administrative Policy No. 34 for unusual or extraordinary circumstances as Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission is the provider of homeless services to young adults ages 18-25 at Fresno City College; and, approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission for a pilot program for homeless services to community college students including direct financial assistance, effective July 13, 2021 through June 30, 2023 ($338,690)Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None
21-0625 58.Retroactive First Amendment to the Revenue Agreement with the City of FresnoApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive First Amendment to Agreement No. 20-358 with the City of Fresno for Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Emergency Solutions Grant funds extending the term by one year and 20 days from June 10, 2021 to June 30, 2022, with no change to the compensation maximum of $1,998,335Consent Agenda be approvedPass Action details None