| 1. | Approve Agenda | Approve Agenda | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 2. | Approve Consent Agenda | Approve Consent Agenda - Item Numbers 17 - 41 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 3. | CARES Act Funding | Retroactively approve and authorize the submittal of required documentation and certification to the United States Treasury Department to secure the County of Fresno’s portion of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding; and, adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues for ACTTC - Disaster Recovery Fund 0026, Subclass 91019, Org 1031 in the amount of $82,000,000(4/5 vote)
| Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 4. | Initial Study No. 7104 and Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3528 (Appellant: Grand Petroleum, Inc.; Applicant: Shawn Shiralian) | Adopt Resolution setting aside the October 17, 2017 adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for Initial Study Application No. 7104, including the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and the approval of Unclassified Conditional Use Permit No. 3528 (collectively “Project Approvals”), which authorized an Interstate Freeway Interchange Commercial Development on 10.10 acres of property zoned Exclusive Agricultural with a 40-acre minimum parcel size, pending further work on the Initial Study and recirculation of the Project Approvals through the standard County land use approvals process as appropriate; direct staff to prepare a revised Initial Study addressing the issues identified by the Court of Appeal in case no. F078035 and Superior Court in case no. 17CECGO3813, once the applicant pays all additional fees deemed appropriate by the Department of Public Works and Planning; and, direct staff to recirculate the Project Approvals through the standard County land use approvals process if appropriate, after staff completes a revised initial study, identified above, and | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 5. | 2020-24 Consolidated Plan and 2020-21 Annual Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Grant, and Emergency Solutions Grant Programs | Approve amendment to the Fresno County Housing and Community Development Citizen Participation Plan, including the addition of policies on citizen participation requirements during declared emergencies; conduct public hearing to receive testimony on proposed County community development, housing, and homeless grant programs; approve 2020-24 Consolidated Plan, including use of Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Grant, and Emergency Solutions Grant funds; authorize Director of the Department of Public Works and Planning to execute Standard Form 424, Certifications, and Entitlement Grant Agreements for Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnerships Grant; and, authorize Director of the Department of Social Services to execute Standard Form 424, Certification, and Entitlement Agreement for Emergency Solutions Grant | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 6. | Board of Supervisors' Committee Reports and Comments | Board of Supervisors' Committee Reports and Comments - Receive and provide direction (this item reserved for committee reports by members of the Board of Supervisors) | | |
Action details
| 7. | Board Appointments | Board Appointments - Receive Boards, Commissions and Committees Vacancy Report; and Appoint Applicants as necessary | | |
Action details
| 8. | Public Presentations | Public Presentations - This portion of the meeting reserved for persons desiring to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda - Pursuant to Administrative Policy No. 29, presentations are limited to 3 minutes per person and no more than 15 minutes total per topic | | |
Action details
| 9. | Closed Session | Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code, section 54957.6): Agency Negotiator: Paul Nerland; Employee Organization: All Bargaining Units and Management and Unrepresented Employees - Hours, Wages and Terms and Conditions of Employment | | |
Action details
| 10. | Conference with legal counsel - Initiation of Litigation; Government Code, section 54956.9(d)(4) (2 Cases) | Conference with legal counsel - Initiation of Litigation; Government Code, section 54956.9(d)(4) (2 Cases) | | |
Action details
| 11. | Conference with legal counsel – Significant Exposure to Litigation; Government Code, section 54956.9(d)(2) (2 Cases) | Conference with legal counsel – Significant Exposure to Litigation; Government Code, section 54956.9(d)(2) (2 Cases) | | |
Action details
| 12. | Threat to public services or facilities – Government Code, Section 54957(a) – Consultation with Jean Rousseau, CAO and Emergency Services Director, Robert Bash, Director of ISD or Designee and David Pomaville, Director of Public Health or Designee | Threat to public services or facilities – Government Code, Section 54957(a) – Consultation with Jean Rousseau, CAO and Emergency Services Director, Robert Bash, Director of ISD or Designee and David Pomaville, Director of Public Health or Designee | | |
Action details
| 13. | Conference with Real Property Negotiators - UMC | Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Government Code, Section 54956.8; Property: UMC Campus located at the northeast corner of South Cedar Avenue and East Kings Canyon Road, Fresno, CA; County Negotiator: Jean M. Rousseau, County Administrative Officer or designee. Negotiating Parties: CMG, Inc. Under negotiations: Instructions to County's negotiator may concern sale and lease terms and conditions including price | | |
Action details
| 14. | Conference with Real Property Negotiators | Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Government Code, Section 54956.8 Properties: 2100 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721; County Negotiator: Jean M. Rousseau, County Administrative Officer or Designee. Negotiating Parties: Lance-Kashian & Co., Under Negotiations: Instructions to County's negotiator may concern lease and option to purchase of properties, price, terms and conditions | | |
Action details
| 15. | Conference with legal counsel - Existing Litigation - Government Code, section 54956.9(d)(1) - 1.BNSF v. Alameda County, et al, United States District Court, Northern District of California, Case No. 4:19-cv-07230-HSG | Conference with legal counsel - Existing Litigation - Government Code, section 54956.9(d)(1) -.BNSF v. Alameda County, et al, United States District Court, Northern District of California, Case No. 4:19-cv-07230-HSG | | |
Action details
| 16. | Conference with legal counsel - Existing Litigation - Government Code, section 54956.9(d)(1) California Sportfishing Alliance Protection v. All Persons Interested in the Validity of the Northern and Central Delta-Mendota Regions Groundwater Sustainability | Conference with legal counsel - Existing Litigation - Government Code, section 54956.9(d)(1) California Sportfishing Alliance Protection v. All Persons Interested in the Validity of the Northern and Central Delta-Mendota Regions Groundwater Sustainability Plan, et al, Stanislaus County Superior Court, Case No. CV-20-001748 | | |
Action details
| 17. | Action Summary Minutes | Approve minutes of meeting for April 14, 2020 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 18. | Proclaim the month of May 2020 as Foster Care Month in Fresno County | Proclaim the month of May 2020 as Foster Care Month in Fresno County | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 19. | Adopt Proclamation to proclaim May 2020 as Mental Health Awareness Month in Fresno County | Proclaim May 2020 as Mental Health Awareness Month in Fresno County | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 20. | Proclaim the month of May 2020 as Older Americans Month in Fresno County | Proclaim the month of May 2020 as Older Americans Month in Fresno County | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 21. | Adopt resolution supporting the 44th Annual Climb to Kaiser event and restriction of State Route 168 as deemed appropriate and necessary by the State of California Department vof Transportation. | Adopt resolution supporting the 44th Annual Climb to Kaiser event and restriction of State Route 168 as deemed appropriate and necessary by the State of California Department of Transportation | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 21.1 | Proclamation | Proclaim April 2020 as Friday Night Live Month in Fresno County | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 22. | Adjourn in Memory Dorothy Manjarrez, art cultural educator and avid golf promoter | Adjourn in Memory Dorothy Manjarrez, art cultural educator and avid golf promoter | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 22.1 | Agriculturists of the Year - Bill and Carol Chandler | Recognize Bill and Carol Chandler for being named Agriculturists of the Year | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 23. | Accept the Certified Statement of Vote for the March 3, 2020 Consolidated Presidential Primary Election. | Accept the Certified Statement of Vote for the March 3, 2020 Consolidated Presidential Primary Election | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 24. | Board Appointment to the Sierra Resource Conservation District Board of Directors | Consider candidate and appoint a director to the Sierra Resource Conservation District Board of Directors. Gary L. Temple term expiring in 2022 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 25. | Adopt Budget Resolution increasing available appropriations for the California Department of Insurance Grant Programs | Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues in the amount of $58,212 in the District Attorney’s Special Revenue Fund 0060, DOI Disability and Healthcare Insurance Fraud Program, Org 1102 (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues in the amount of $58,212 in the District Attorney-Grants Org 2862 (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues in the amount of $331,505 in the District Attorney’s Special Revenue Fund 0060, DOI Auto Insurance Fraud Program, Org 1104 (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues in the amount of $331,505 in the District Attorney-Grants Org 2862 (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues in the amount of $439,712 in the District Attorney’s Special Revenue Fund 0060, DOI Workers Comp Fraud Program, Org 1107 (4/5 vote); and adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues in the amoun | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 26. | Violence Against Women Vertical Prosecution Grant Amendment | Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 19-193 with the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) for the Violence Against Women Vertical Prosecution grant extending the term by six months from June 30, 2020 to December 31, 2020 and increasing the grant award by $135,029 to $405,089 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 27. | Budget Resolutions for the Purchase of Canines | Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2019-20 appropriations for the Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator Fund 0095, Subclass 17665, Federal Asset Forfeiture Treasury Org 1466 in the amount of $30,000 (4/5 vote); and adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues for Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator Org 31113000 in the amount of $30,000 for the purchase of two (2) narcotic detection canines (4/5 vote) | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 28. | Budget Resolution Amendment | Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues for Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator Org 3111 in the amount of $2,600,000 to offset an anticipated increase in salaries and benefits (4/5 vote) | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 29. | Retroactive Agreement with Lexipol, LLC. | Make a finding that it is in the best interest of the County to waive the competitive bidding process consistent with Administrative Policy No. 34 for unusual or extraordinary circumstances for Law Enforcement Policy Manual and Daily Training bulletin subscription services used by the Sheriff’s Office; and approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Retroactive Agreement with Lexipol, LLC., for subscription services effective April 1, 2020, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $249,680 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 30. | Revenue Agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Law Enforcement Services | Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a revenue Agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the Sheriff’s Office to provide law enforcement services for Pine Flat Lake campsites for the period of May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 ($68,967.36) | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 30.1 | Amendment I to Agreement with California Forensic Medical Group | Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment I to Agreement No. A-18-169 with California Forensic Medical Group effective April 28, 2020 with no change in the term to June 30, 2023, to allow the Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator’s Office to approve pre-payments and accept 1% discount for the months of May, June, July and August of 2020 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 31. | Retroactive Cooperative Agreement for the Industrial Hemp Cultivation Program with Registration | Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute First Amendment to State Agreement No. 18-0683-000-SA-1 with the California Department of Food and Agriculture for the Industrial Hemp Cultivation Program with Registration, effective upon execution with no change to the term of April 30, 2019, through June 30, 2020, and increasing the maximum reimbursement by $252,577 to a total of $254,577 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 31.1 | Contract Amendments due to COVID-19 Pandemic | Approve and Authorize the Chairman to execute the following Amendments to existing Agreements with various contractors (Attachment 1) for contract term extensions with increases to the maximum compensations for FY 2020-21, effective upon execution; Amendment I to Agreement No. 18-685 with Beacon Health Options for 24/7 Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Access Line, SUD Residential Authorizations, Mental Health Inpatient Concurrent Reviews, effective upon execution; Amendment III to Agreement No. 16-430 with California Health Collaborative for SUD Prevention Services: Performing Above the High and Lock It Up, effective upon execution; Amendment I to Agreement No. 15-318 with Envolve Pharmacy Solutions for Pharmacy Benefit Management: Prescription Services, effective upon execution; Amendment I to Agreement No. 15-210 with Housing Authority of the City and County of Fresno for Shelter Plus Care Program: Rental Assistance Vouchers to Qualified Homeless Individuals, effective upon execution; Amendment III to Agreement No. 15-257 with Kings View Corporation for Homeless Outreach, Engagement | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 32. | Solicitation of Health and Ancillary Benefits Plan Proposals for Plan Year 2021 | Make a finding that it is in the best interest of the County to waive the competitive bidding process consistent with Administrative Policy No. 34 for unusual or extraordinary circumstances for the solicitation of health and ancillary benefits plan proposals for Plan Year 2021; and authorize the Director of Human Resources to solicit competitive bids for health and ancillary benefit plans and directly negotiate agreements with vendors to provide health and ancillary benefits to active and retired County employees and their dependents for Plan Year 2021 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 33. | Resolutions Rejecting Claims for Damages | Adopt Resolutions Rejecting Claims for Damages; Adopt Resolution Rejecting Application for Leave to Present a Late Claim | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 34. | Agreement with Kofile Technologies, Inc. | Make a finding that it is in the best interest of the County to waive the competitive bidding process under Administrative Policy No. 34 due to unusual or extraordinary circumstances for document indexing services and document storage solutions for historical vital records; and approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with Kofile Technologies, Inc. for document indexing services and document storage solutions for historical vital records, effective upon execution, not to exceed five consecutive years, which included a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $646,000 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 35. | Agreement with Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission | Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Revenue Agreement with the Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission, effective upon execution through September 30, 2021 ($60,000); and adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2019-20 appropriations and estimated revenues in the Public Defender Org 2880 in the amount of $3,000 (4/5 vote) | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 36. | Award Contract No. 19-20-C, Slurry Seals and Contract No. 19-21-C, Bituminous Seal Coats, for Various Locations in Fresno County | Adopt plans and specifications for Contract No. 19-20-C, Slurry Seals at various locations in Fresno County and award to the low bidder, American Pavement Systems, 1012 11th Street, Suite 1000, Modesto, CA 95354, in the total amount of $911,556.45, including the base bid and all the additive bids; and, adopt plans and specifications for Contract No. 19-21-C, Bituminous Seal Coats at various locations in Fresno County and award to the low bidder, Talley Oil, 12483 Road 29, Madera, CA 93638, in the total amount of $957,331.19 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 37. | Amendment II to Agreement No. 17-054 with AAA Quailty | Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment II to Agreement No. 17-054 with AAA Quality Services, Inc. for portable chemical toilet rental and maintenance services and to adjust rates at the request of AAA Quality Services for the remainder of this term with no change to the term or maximum compensation amount, total not to exceed $260,000 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 38. | Budget Resolution for CSA 2, CSA 14 ,CSA 34F, CSA 34G, CSA 31, CSA 35AT, CSA 35CI, and WWD 38 | Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2019-20 appropriations for County Service Area 2 - Tenaya Estates in amount of $10,000 using available fund balance for operational costs (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2019-20 appropriations for County Service Area 14 - Belmont Manor in amount of $35,000 for operational costs and increasing FY 2019-20 estimated revenues with funds received from Settlement Agreement No. 19-518 in amount of $2,000,000 (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2019-20 appropriations for County Service Area 31 - Shaver Lake in amount of $200,000 using available fund balance for purchase of a fire truck for district (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2019-20 appropriations for County Service Area 34F - The Vistas in amount of $12,288, for operational costs and increasing FY 2019-20 estimated revenues with funds received from Subdivider Agreement 10-533 (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2019-20 appropriations for County Service Area 34G - Granville in amount of $168,974, for operational costs and increasing FY | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 39. | Revenue Agreement with the California Department of Housing and Community Development for the California Emergency Solutions and Housing Program Grant | Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with the California Department of Housing and Community Development for California Emergency Solutions and Housing Program (19-CESH-12962) funds, effective upon execution by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, for a maximum term of five years, total not to exceed $879,281 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 40. | Retroactive MOU with City of Fresno for COVID-19 Emergency Homelessness Funds | Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a retroactive Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Fresno for revenue to support the COVID-19 Emergency Homelessness Response plan, effective March 19, 2020, total not to exceed $1,012,869 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 41. | California Department of Housing and Community Development Emergency Solutions Grant Agreements with Community-Based Organizations for Homeless Services | Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with Community Action Partnership of Madera County for homeless services in Madera County, effective upon execution through December 31, 2022, which includes an eight-month base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $660,480; make a finding that it is in the best interest of the County to waive the competitive bidding process consistent with Administrative Policy No. 34 for unusual or extraordinary circumstances for the solicitation of rapid rehousing homeless services for the Department of Social Services; and, approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with Turning Point of Central California, Inc. for rapid rehousing services, effective upon execution through December 31, 2020, total not to exceed $89,305 | Approved as Recommended | Pass |
Action details