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Board Meeting Information Center

Welcome to the County of Fresno’s Board of Supervisors Meeting Information Center. This site provides quick and easy online access to meeting agendas and legislative records of the Board of Supervisors.

Translate this Website (Traducir este Sitio)

Use the Google Translate™ menu at the top-right corner of this page.
Use el menú de Google Translate™ en la parte superior a la derecha de esta pagina.

translate screenshot

* This website can be translated using Google™ Translate. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information translated by Google™ Translate. This translation feature is offered as an additional resource for information.

* Este sitio se generan utilizando Google™ Translate. No podemos garantizar la precisión de toda la información traducida por Google™ Translate. Esta función de traducción se ofrece como un recurso adicional de información.

You can browse the Board Meeting Information Center via the tabs at the top of the screen:

Fresno County Homepage

Find information about County departments and services through the County of Fresno’s website.

Board of Supervisors

Find information about the Fresno County Board of Supervisors, including how to contact the Supervisor that represents your district.

Meeting Calendar

View meeting agendas, minutes, and videos.

The Board Meeting Calendar tab has two views: List View and Calendar View.

  • List View displays the meetings in the specified date range in list form.
  • Calendar View displays them in calendar form.
Videos of Board meetings will be available for view here within one to two business days after the livestream has ended.

Translate Meeting Agendas and Minutes (Traducir las Agendas y los Minutos de la Junta)

  1. Select “Accessible Agenda” or “Accessible Minutes” for a specific meeting date.
    Seleccióne “Accessible Agenda” o “Accessible Minutes” para una específica fecha de reunión.

    agenda screenshot minutes screensht

  2. Use the “Select Language” menu at the top-right corner of the page.
    Use el menú de “Select Language” en la parte superior a la derecha de la pagina.

    language screenshot

*Agendas and minutes are generated using Google™ Translate. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information translated by Google™ Translate. This translation feature is offered as an additional resource for information.

*Las agendas y los minutos de la junta se generan utilizando Google™ Translate. No podemos garantizar la precisión de toda la información traducida por Google™ Translate. Esta función de traducción se ofrece como un recurso adicional de información.

Search Agenda Items

Looking for a specific agenda item? Browse records of past items here.
Board agenda items from 2015 to the present can be searched through this site.
For agenda items dated prior to 2015, please contact the Clerk of the Board’s office.

Clerk of the Board

We’re here to help!
If you have questions about accessing Board meeting materials or records, or if you are experiencing technical difficulties while using this site, please contact the Clerk of the Board’s office at (559) 600-3529, option 4, or via email at