Internal Services
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment No. 2 to Lease Agreement
A-16-169, with the Regents of the University of California, for 903 square feet of office space at
17353 W. Oakland Avenue, Building 316, Five Points, CA, to extend the term for an additional 5
years, from May 1, 2024, through April 30, 2029, effective upon execution with no change to the
base rent terms
5 - Brandau, Magsig, Mendes, Pacheco, and Quintero
Agreement No. 24-083
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Third Amendment to Agreement No.
22-348 with Peraton State & Local, Inc., for mainframe hosting services for the Property
Management Information System, effective upon execution, increasing the maximum
compensation by $1,000,000 to a total of $3,550,000, with no change to the potential five-year
term of February 27, 2020, through February 26, 2025, which includes a four-year term with one
optional one-year extension
5 - Brandau, Magsig, Mendes, Pacheco, and Quintero
Agreement No. 24-084
Retroactively approve and authorize the Chief Probation Officer’s previous submittal of a Letter
of Interest and grant application to the California Health and Human Services Agency, Office of
Youth and Community Restoration (OYCR) for the Less Restrictive Programs Grant
($2,000,000); approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a grant agreement with OYCR for
the Less Restrictive Programs Grant (Grant Number 2023-349-OYCR) for the period of
December 15, 2023 through December 31, 2025 ($2,000,000); adopt resolution authorizing the
Chairman to execute the Grant Agreement, including any extensions or amendments, with
OYCR for the period of December 15, 2023 through December 31, 2025, subject to approval
as to legal form by County Counsel and as to accounting form by the
Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector, not to exceed $2,000,000; and adopt Budget
Resolution Increasing FY 2023-24 appropriations and estimated revenues for the Probation
Department’s Org 3432 in the amount of $2,000,000 (4/5 vote)
5 - Brandau, Magsig, Mendes, Pacheco, and Quintero
Resolution No. 24-047, Resolution No. 24-048, Agreement No. 24-085