Approve and authorize the termination of Subrecipient Agreement No. 22-538 with Twilight Haven,
and authorize the County Administrative Officer, or designee, to execute any necessary documents
to affect the termination of Subrecipient Agreement No. 22-538, subject to approval by County
Counsel as to legal form; and Approve proposed amendments to the County of Fresno’s American
Rescue Plan Act - State Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (ARPA-SLFRF) expenditure plan by
amending the program descriptions for the following programs: a. Revise the Administration of
ARPA-SLFRF through 2025 and extend the spending timeline to keep ARPA-SLFRF funding in
this category available through December 31, 2026; and b. Revise the title of “Sheriff Negative
Impacts: public safety, public health, mental and behavioral health at County Jail” to read, “Sheriff
and Probation Negative Impacts: public safety, public health, mental and behavioral health at
County Jail and Juvenile Justice Campus” and increase funding availability by $643,475, from
$10,846,029 up to $11,489,504
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute First Amendment to Subrecipient Agreement No.
23-356 for American Rescue Plan Act - State Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (ARPA-SLFRF) with
the 21st District Agricultural Association (The Big Fresno Fair), modify the expenditure plan,
authorize the California Construction Authority as The Big Fresno Fair’s fiscal agent, and update
the modification clause, with no increase to maximum compensation ($205,000); Authorize the
County Administrative Officer or designee to approve and execute written changes to line items in
the project budget, which, when added together during the term of the Agreement do not exceed
ten percent (10%) of the total maximum compensation payable to The Big Fresno Fair, and which
do not result in any change to the maximum compensation amount payable to the Big Fresno Fair;
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Second Amendment to Subrecipient Agreement
No. 22-531 for ARPA-SLFRF with Fresno Metropolitan Ministry (FMM), to revise the Program’s
internal timelines and update the notice provision, with no increase to maximum compensation
($512,000); and Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Second Amendment to
Subrecipient Agreement No. 22-537 for ARPA-SLFRF with Valley Caregiver Resource Center
(VCRC), to revise the Program’s internal timelines and update the notice provision, with no
increase to maximum compensation ($451,071)
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a First Amendment to Subrecipient Agreement
No. 22-225 with Riverdale Public Utility District (RPUD) for provision of American Rescue Plan Act
- State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (ARPA-SLFRF), which will revise the expenditure plan
and the modification clause, with no increase to the maximum compensation ($3,175,000); and
Authorize the County Administrative Officer or designee to approve and execute written changes to
the items in the project budget, which, when added together during the term of the Agreement, do
not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total maximum compensation payable to Subrecipient, and
which do not result in any change to the maximum compensation amount payable to RPUD
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute retroactive Interdepartmental Agreement between
the County Administrative Office, Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator’s Office, and Probation
Department obligating American Rescue Plan Act - State Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
(ARPA-SLFRF) under Public Sector Revenue Loss category to fund a portion of generally-funded
costs in the Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator’s Office and Probation Department, consisting of
public safety payroll costs for deputies and officers, community patrolling, supervision and
assistance of individuals detained at County Jail and Juvenile Justice Campus, which is
responsive to the negative economic impacts to public safety due to the pandemic and will enable
the County to use SLFRF to fund the provision of government services (up to $10,000,000)