Fresno County CA header
Meeting Body: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/5/2018 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Hall of Records
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda Item #Meeting BodyTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
18-0527 1.Approve AgendaApprove AgendaConducted HearingsPass Action details Video Video
18-0528 2.Approve Consent AgendaApprove Consent Agenda - Item Numbers 23 - 68Conducted HearingsPass Action details Video Video
18-0450 3.Retirement Plaque Presentation for Rafael T. TorresPresentation of Retirement Plaque to Rafael T. Torres - Department of Social Services - 17 Years of Service   Action details Video Video
18-0661 4.Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Awareness MonthProclaim June 2018 as Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Awareness Month in the County of FresnoConducted HearingsPass Action details Video Video
18-0663 5.Proclaim Safety WeekProclaim June 4 - 8, 2018 as Safety Week in the County of FresnoConducted HearingsPass Action details Video Video
18-0608 6.FRWDB Youth Outstanding Award Winner CertificatePresent certificate in recognition of the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board's Youth Outstanding Achievement Award Winner, Diana HidalgoConducted HearingsPass Action details Video Video
18-0303 7.County of Fresno Debt Management PolicyApprove the County of Fresno’s revised Debt Management Policy (originally the Debt Policy); and Approve the County of Fresno’s revised Debt Advisory Committee (DAC) Policy Guidelines for Public Financing (DAC Guidelines)Conducted HearingsPass Action details Video Video
18-0551 8.Department of Agriculture Salary Resolution AmendmentApprove Amendment to the Salary Resolution adding one Deputy Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer allocation to the Department of Agriculture Organization 4010, effective July 2, 2018 as reflected in Appendix DConducted HearingsPass Action details Video Video
18-0394 9.Fresno County Superintendent of Schools – Specialty Mental Health Treatment and Prevention and Early Intervention Services AgreementMake a finding that is in the best interest of the County to waive the competitive bidding process consistent with Administrative Policy No. 34 for unusual or extraordinary circumstances for school based specialty mental health treatment and prevention and early intervention services for the Department of Behavioral Health; Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, to provide specialty mental health treatment and prevention and early intervention services as part of the Fresno County’s Mental Health Services Act Community Services and Supports Plan and Prevention and Early Intervention Plan, effective July 1, 2018, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $111,210,977; and, Approve and authorize the Department of Behavioral Health Director or designee, to add/delete school sites to the proposed Agreement to meet the needs of the community, without exceeding the contract fiscal year compensation amountConducted HearingsPass Action details Video Video
18-0453 10.Salary Resolution AmendmentApprove Salary Resolution Amendment for the Internal Services Department - Security Services Org 8970 as reflected on Appendix “C”, effective June 5, 2018; adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2017-18 appropriations for the Internal Services Department, Security Services Org 8970 in the amount of $111,000 using available fund balance (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for the Internal Services Department - Fleet Services Equipment Org 8911 in the amount of $111,000 for the purchase of three new vehicles for Security Officer activities (4/5 vote)Conducted HearingsPass Action details Video Video
18-0309 11.Present Findings -- Additional Fuel Data to determine impacts of SB1Receive presentation addressing additional information provided by Exclusive Service Area Program haulers, related to impact of Senate Bill 1, Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, and direct Department of Public Works and Planning staff to either: (a) implement calculated adjustment of 0.51%, as determined through analysis by County’s consultant, to Exclusive Service Area Program maximum cart and bin rates, effective August 1, 2018; and direct staff to coordinate with Exclusive Service Area Program haulers to provide all customers with advanced written notice of approved maximum cart and bin rate increases 30 days prior to the effective date; OR (b) take no action at this time and leave maximum cart and bin rates at current levelsacceptedPass Action details Video Video
18-0449 12.IS 7399, AA 3826 - SandstromConsider and adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for Initial Study Application No. 7399, including Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program prepared for Amendment Application No. 3826; approve Ordinance pertaining to Amendment Application No. 3826 thereby amending M-1(c) zoning on two contiguous parcels totaling 4.54 acres, to allow additional uses on said property including storage of boats, trailers, recreational vehicles (including travel trailers, motorhomes, and fifth-wheels), and a boat repair facility; and designate County Counsel to prepare fair and adequate summary of proposed ordinance and direct Clerk of the Board to post and publish required summary in accordance with Government Code, Section 25124(b)(1), subject property is located on west side of Auberry Road, approximately 662 feet south of Frazier Road within unincorporated community of AuberryConducted HearingsPass Action details Video Video
18-0459 13.2018-19 Annual Action PlanConduct public hearing to receive testimony on proposed County community development, housing, and homeless grant programs; approve 2018-19 Annual Action Plan, including use of Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Grant, and Emergency Solutions Grant funds; authorize Director of Department of Public Works and Planning to execute Standard Form 424, Certifications, and Entitlement Grant Agreements for Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnerships Grant; and authorize Director of Department of Social Services to execute Standard Form 424, Certification, and Entitlement Agreement for Emergency Solutions GrantConducted HearingsPass Action details Video Video
18-0529 14.Board of Supervisors' Committee Reports and CommentsBoard of Supervisors' Committee Reports and Comments - Receive and provide direction (this item reserved for committee reports by members of the Board of Supervisors)   Action details Video Video
18-0530 15.Board AppointmentsBoard Appointments - Receive Boards, Commissions and Committees Vacancy Report; and Appoint Applicants as necessaryConducted HearingsPass Action details Video Video
18-0531 16.Public PresentationsPublic Presentations - This portion of the meeting reserved for persons desiring to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda - Pursuant to Administrative Policy No. 29, presentations are limited to 5 minutes per person and no more than 15 minutes per topic   Action details Video Video
17-1530 17.Conference with legal counsel – Significant Exposure to Litigation - Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2) (2 Cases)Conference with legal counsel – Significant Exposure to Litigation - Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2) (2 Cases)   Action details None
17-1531 18.Conference with legal counsel - Initiation of Litigation; Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4) - 2 CasesConference with legal counsel - Initiation of Litigation; Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4) - 2 Cases   Action details None
18-0560 19.Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Judicial Council of CaliforniaConference with Real Property Negotiators - Government Code 54956.8. Properties: 1325 O Street, Firebaugh, CA 93622 and 815 G Street, Reedley, CA 92654, and 1011 5th Street, Clovis, CA 93612; County Negotiator: Jean M. Rousseau, County Administrative Officer or Designee. Negotiating Parties: Judicial Council of California, Under Negotiations: Instructions to County's negotiator may concern purchase of properties, price, terms and conditions   Action details None
18-0589 20.Closed SessionConference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code, section 54957.6): Agency Negotiator: Paul Nerland; Employee Organization: All Bargaining Units and Management and Unrepresented Employees - Hours, Wages and Terms and Conditions of Employment   Action details None
18-0616 21.Conference with Real Property Negotiators - DPHConference with Real Property Negotiators - Government Code 54956.8. Property: 7621 N. Del Mar Ave., Fresno, CA 93711; County Negotiator: Jean M. Rousseau, County Administrative Officer or Designee. Negotiating Parties: Russell G. Smith Inc., Under Negotiations: Instructions to County's negotiator may concern purchase of properties, price, terms and conditions   Action details None
18-0617 22.Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Ventura and Tenth StreetConference with Real Property Negotiators - Government Code 54956.8 Properties: County owned property located in the south west corner of Ventura and Tenth Streets, Fresno, CA; County Negotiator: Jean M. Rousseau, County Administrative Officer or Designee. Negotiating Parties: Fresno Unified School District, Under Negotiations: Instructions to County's negotiator may concern purchase or lease of properties, price, terms and conditions   Action details None
18-0532 23.Action Summary MinutesApprove minutes of meeting for May 8, 2018Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0662 24.Proclaim Older American's MonthProclaim the month of May 2018 to be Older Americans Month in the County of FresnoConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0660 25.Adjourn in memory of Richard D. WeltonAdjourn in memory of Richard D. WeltonConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0426 26.District Attorney Special Revenue Fund ResolutionsAdopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for Local Revenue Fund 0271, District Attorney/Public Defender Org 2866 in the amount of $164,500 (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for District Attorney Org 2860 in the amount of $164,500 (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for Local Revenue Fund 0271, Rural Crime Prevention Org 28610100 in the amount of $519,436 (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for District Attorney-Grants Org 2862 in the amount of $81,965 (4/5 vote); and adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for Sheriff-Coroner Org 3111 in the amount of $437,471 (4/5 vote)Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0451 27.Accept Donation to fund DA ID Theft Unit for 2017-18Adopt Resolution accepting and expressing gratitude for the donation of $300,000 from Table Mountain Rancheria for the Fresno County District Attorney’s Identification Theft Prosecution Unit for FY 2017-18Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0510 28.Budget Transfer to purchase three Welfare Fraud vehiclesApprove and authorize the Clerk to the Board to execute Budget Transfer No. 25 ($101,000) transferring FY 2017-18 appropriations within the District Attorney- Grants Org 2862 from Account 6100 (Regular Salaries) and Account 6400 (Retirement Contribution), to Account 7910 (Operating Transfer Out) for the purchase of three vehicles and up-fitting; and adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for the Internal Services Department, Fleet Services-Equipment Org 8911 in the amount of $101,000 (4/5 vote)Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0281 29.Agreement with State Center Community College DistrictApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a revenue Agreement with the State Center Community College District, effective from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2022, not to exceed $183,750 per yearConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0350 30.Retroactive Memorandum of Understanding with the California Highway PatrolApprove and authorize the Chairman to executive a retroactive Memorandum of Understanding with the California Highway Patrol that provides guidelines to reduce the incidents of theft and victimization to the agriculture community effective June 1, 2018, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base agreement and two optional one-year extensions; and approve and authorize the waiving of Administrative Policy No. 17 (regarding the use of County vehicles by County officials and employees only) to allow a California Highway Patrol Officer, as a member of the Agricultural Crimes Task Force, to use a County vehicleConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0369 31.Lease Agreement for Sheriff-Coroner's Area III SubstationApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a Lease Agreement with Pamela J. Prieto for office and warehouse space located in Selma, California for use by the Sheriff-Coroner’s Area 3 Substation, effective July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2028 not to exceed ten consecutive years, consisting of a five-year base term and five optional one-year renewal terms, total not to exceed $1,229,005Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0428 32.Budget Resolutions for Asset Forfeiture Purchase - License Plate Reader SystemsMake a finding that it is in the best interest of the County to suspend the competitive bid process consistent with Administrative Policy No. 34 for unusual or extraordinary circumstances for compatibility reasons for the purchase of a Vigilant License Plate Reader Policing System; adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2017-18 appropriations for Federal Asset Forfeiture Org 1459 in the amount of $80,000 (4/5 vote); and adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for Sheriff-Coroner Org 3111 in the amount of $80,000 (4/5 vote) for purchase of Vigilant License Plate Reader Policing SystemsConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0431 33.Budget Resolution for Sheriff-Coroner Jail Transportation Bus PurchaseAdopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for Sheriff-Coroner Org 3111 in the amount of $650,000 for the purchase of jail transportation bus (4/5 vote)Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0469 34.Amendment to Purchasing Agreement with VMS Family Counseling ServicesApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment III to Purchasing Agreement P-15-307-O with VMS Family Counseling Services, effective July 1, 2018, increasing the contact maximum by $121,000 for a total of $220,000 through June 30, 2020Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0438 35.FY 2017-18 Year-End Budget AdjustmentsApprove and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute Budget Transfer No. 22 transferring FY 2017-18 appropriations within the Sheriff-Coroner Org 3111, from account 7295 (Professional and Specialized Services) to account 8300 (Equipment) in the amount of $279,030; approve and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute Budget Transfer No. 24 transferring FY 2017-18 appropriations within Sheriff-Coroner’s Org 3111 from accounts 6100 (Regular Salaries), 6400 (Retirement Contribution), and 6500 (OASDI Contribution) to accounts 7345 (Facility Operations and Maintenance) and 8300 (Equipment) in the amount of $100,000; adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for Sheriff-Coroner Org 3111 in the amount of $284,487 (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2017-18 appropriations for Sheriff-CA St Corr Train Org 1452 in the amount of $109,384 and estimated revenues in the amount of $38,507 (4/5 vote); adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2017-18 appropriations for Debtor Assessment Fee Org 1454 in the amount of $137,951 (4/5 vote); adopConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0511 36.Retroactive 2018 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program Grant ApplicationRetroactively approve and authorize the Fresno County Administrative Office to submit the Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) application to the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), which, if awarded would provide reimbursement up to 50% of the purchase price of bulletproof vests for the Sheriff-Coroner’s Office, the Probation Department and the District-Attorney-Public Administrator’s Office, effective from July 1, 2018 through August 31, 2020 ($298,129.76)Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0508 37.Specialized Legal Services Agreement for Bond Counsel for Special ProjectsApprove and authorize Chairman to execute a specialized legal services agreement with Hawkins Delafield & Wood, LLP (Hawkins) to act as bond counsel for special projects that may arise during FY 2018-19, effective July 1, 2018 (maximum compensation for services to be limited by amount appropriated by the Board in the FY 2018-19 budget)Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0583 38.Fourth Amendment to Legal Services Agreement with the law firm of Best, Best & Krieger, LLP.Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Retroactive Amendment IV to Agreement No. 14-394 with Best, Best & Krieger, to extend the term of the existing Agreement to continue representing County in marijuana-related lawsuits now pending in the appellate court from December 31, 2017 to December 31, 2020 with no increase in the maximum of $550,000Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0481 39.Westlands Water District Amended BylawsApprove the Amended Bylaws of Westlands Water DistrictConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0538 40.Continuation of Tree Mortality Local Emergency StatusAdopt Resolution proclaiming continuation of the local emergency status relating to the extremely high levels of tree mortality and hazardous conditions created by the drought and request that the Governor continue to provide resources and support to mitigate risk of falling trees and increased fire hazardConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0571 41.Administrative Policy 76 - Grants to Non-Governmental and Non-Profit OrganizationsApprove Administrative Policy 76 regarding grants to non-governmental and non-profit organizations using General Fund discretionary revenuesConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0622 42.Administrative Policy 29 - Board of Supervisors MeetingsApprove revisions to Administrative Policy 29 regarding Board of Supervisors MeetingsConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0476 43.Department of Agriculture Budget ResolutionAdopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for Department of Agriculture Org. 4010 in the amount of $396,743 (4/5 vote); and, Adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for the Internal Services Department, Facility Services, Org. 8935 in the amount of $162,000 (4/5 vote)Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0416 44.BAART Inmate NTP ServicesApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with BAART Behavioral Health Services, Inc. to provide Narcotic Treatment Program services to in-custody clients at the County’s Detention Facilities effective July 1, 2018, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $750,000Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0514 45.Master Agreement for Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services for Adolescents ages 12 to 17 and adults aged 18 years old receiving school-based treatment.Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Master Agreement for outpatient youth treatment services effective July 1, 2018 not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $5,000,000; Authorize the Director of the Department of Behavioral Health, or designee, to add/delete providers to the Master Agreement for outpatient youth treatment services; and, Authorize the Director, or her designee, to update reimbursement rates in the Master Agreement with revised State Plan rates or with negotiated provider-specific rates upon implementation of the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System. Annual rate updates will not result in an increase to the maximum compensationConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0550 46.Amendment to the Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association (FCERA) BylawsApprove the amended Bylaws for the Fresno County Employees Retirement AssociationConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0513 47.Request to Defend Public Officers or EmployeesApprove and authorize Chairman to execute Agreement to Defend Public Officer or Employee for: Internal Services Department - Security Services Division, Sr. Security Officer Charles Perez Jr., as named in Fresno County Superior Court Case No.18CECG00624, Rebecca Cassidy v. County of Fresno, et al.Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0545 48.Request to Defend Public Officers or EmployeesApprove and authorize Chairman to execute Agreement to Defend Public Officer or Employee for: Department of Child Support Services, Child Support Attorney III John Dyer, as named in United States District Court Eastern District Court of California Case No.1:17-CV-01748-DAD-EPG, Madhu Sameer v. Sameer Khera, et al.Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0612 49.Salary Resolution Amendment - Supervising District Attorney Investigator POST Pay ProvisionApprove Amendment to the Salary Resolution to modify the pay provision for Supervisory POST Certification for the Supervising District Attorney Investigator classification, effective June 18, 2018, as reflected in Appendix BConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0420 50.Master Agreement for Emergency Response and Supplemental Plumber ServicesApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a Master Agreement for emergency response and supplemental plumbing services, effective June 5, 2018, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $775,000; and authorize the Director of Internal Services/Chief Information Officer or his designee to add additional contractors to this Agreement as they are identified who will agree to the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement without affecting the remainder of the AgreementConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0422 51.Agreements with Durham Construction Company, Inc., Haus Construction, Inc., Puma Construction Co., Inc., and Velis Engineering, Inc. for Job Order ContractingApprove and authorize Chairman to execute a Job Order Contracting Agreement with Durham Construction Company, Inc., for County property capital and maintenance projects, effective June 5, 2018 through June 4, 2019, in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 (minimum of $25,000 guaranteed); Approve and authorize Chairman to execute a Job Order Contracting Agreement with Haus Construction, Inc., for County property capital and maintenance projects, effective June 5, 2018 through June 4, 2019, in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 (minimum of $25,000 guaranteed); Approve and authorize Chairman to execute a Job Order Contracting Agreement with Puma Construction Co., Inc., for County property capital and maintenance projects, effective June 5, 2018 through June 4, 2019, in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 (minimum of $25,000 guaranteed); and Approve and authorize Chairman to execute a Job Order Contracting Agreement with Velis Engineering, Inc., for County property capital and maintenance projects, effective June 5, 2018 through June 4, 2019, in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 (minimum ofConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0519 52.Amendment to Section 3800 of the Master Schedule of Fees, Charges, and Recovered Costs - Second HearingConduct the second hearing to amend the County of Fresno Master Schedule of Fees, Charges, and Recovered Costs Ordinance by amending Section 3800 - General Services, revising subsections 3804, and 3809 through and including 3813 therein, relating to the recovery of costs of certain services provided by Fleet Services, Security Services, and Facility Services of the Internal Services Department (ISD) to County departments and other public agencies (the Ordinance); waive the reading of the proposed Ordinance in its entirety; and adopt the proposed OrdinanceConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0520 53.Amendment to Section 4300 of the Master Schedule of Fees, Charges, and Recovered Costs - Second HearingConduct second hearing to amend the County of Fresno Master Schedule of Fees, Charges, and Recovered Costs Ordinance by amending Section 4300-Information Technology Services, in its entirety, revising fees relating to the recovery of costs of certain information technology services and PeopleSoft Operations provided by the Internal Services Department (ISD) to County departments and other public agencies (the Ordinance); waive the reading of the proposed Ordinance in its entirety; and adopt the proposed OrdinanceConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0522 54.Master Agreement for HVAC Parts, Service, and RepairsApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a Master Agreement for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) parts, service, and repairs, effective June 5, 2018, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions, total not to exceed $3,500,000; and Authorize the Director of Internal Services/Chief Information Officer or his designee to add additional contractors to this Agreement as they are identified who will agree to and be bound by the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement without affecting the remainder of the AgreementConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0535 55.Declaration of Emergency Regarding the Flood Incident at the Fresno County University Medical CenterAdopt Resolution acknowledging the emergency nature of the flood incident at the Fresno County University Medical Center and make a finding pursuant to County Administrative Policy 34 that unusual and extraordinary circumstances exist such that it is in the best interest of the County to suspend competitive bidding, and negotiate and execute contracts for services and supplies as necessary for the remediation of County property; authorize the Director of Internal Services/Chief Information Officer to negotiate and execute agreements and other documents necessary for the remediation of the Fresno County University Medical Center; adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for the Internal Services Department, Facility Services Org 8935 in the amount of $500,000 (4/5 vote)Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0591 56.Internal Services Department FY 2017-18 Year-End AdjustmentsAdopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for the Internal Services Department (ISD), Information Technology Services - ISF Org 8905 in the amount of $2,825,000 (4/5 vote); Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for the Internal Services Department (ISD), Information Technology Services - ISF Org 8905 in the amount of $675,000 (4/5 vote); Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2017-18 appropriations for the Internal Services Department (ISD), Information Technology Services - ISF Org 8905 in the amount of $1,159,000 (4/5 vote); Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2017-18 appropriations for Internal Services Department (ISD), Information Technology Services-Equipment Org 8908 in the amount of $305,000 (4/5 vote); Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2017-18 appropriations and estimated revenues for Internal Services Department (ISD), Facility Services - ISF Org 8935 in the amount of $3,210,000 (4/5 vote); and Adopt Budget Resolution increasing the FY 2017-18 appropriations and Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0202 57.Master Schedule of Fees - Library - Second HearingConduct the second hearing to amend the County of Fresno Master Schedule of Fees, Charges, and Recovered Costs Ordinance by amending Section 1100 - Library, in its entirety, for fees, including overdue fines, for the recovery of costs relating to Library materials and services provided to the public (the Ordinance); waive the reading of the proposed Ordinance in its entirety; and adopt the proposed OrdinanceConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0444 58.Grant from Centro La Familia Advocacy ServicesApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute an Award Letter/Agreement, dated March 29, 2018, with Centro La Familia Advocacy Services, Inc. for the Clean Slate Program ($22,000)Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0093 59.Reciprocal Health Officer Agreement with the County of MercedApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with the County of Merced, for temporary reciprocal Health Officer coverage, effective July 13, 2018, not to exceed five consecutive years, which includes a three-year base contract and two optional one-year extensions ($0)Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0516 60.Fresno County Preterm Birth Initiative Confidentiality Statement and Image Release FormsApprove and authorize Department of Public Health employees identified as having a need to participate in the Fresno County Preterm Birth Initiative committees and workgroups to execute a Confidentiality Statement Form; and, Visual/Audio Image Release Form with Central California Center for Health and Human Services at California State University, FresnoConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0501 61.Stop Sign at Church Avenue and Siskiyou AvenueAdopt a Resolution designating the intersection of Church and Siskiyou a stop intersection and authorizing a stop sign at the intersection, stopping westbound traffic on Church Avenue, making it a one-way stopConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0502 62.Stop Sign at Dakota Avenue and Vineland AvenueAdopt Resolution designating the intersection of Dakota and Vineland Avenues a stop intersection and authorizing a stop sign at the intersection, stopping eastbound traffic on Dakota Avenue, making it a one-way stopConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0504 63.Stop Signs at Bethel Avenue and South AvenueAdopt Resolution designating the intersection of Bethel and South Avenues a stop intersection and authorizing additional stop signs at the intersection, stopping eastbound and westbound traffic on South Avenue, making it an all-way stopConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0552 64.Contract 17-28-C, E. Ashlan Avenue & N. Van Ness Boulevard ImprovementsAdopt plans and specifications and award Contract No. 17-28-C, E. Ashlan Avenue and N. Van Ness Boulevard Improvements to the low bidder, Dawson-Mauldin Construction, Inc., 10625 Ellis Avenue, Suite D, Fountain Valley, CA 92708, in the amount of $522,343.50 for the base bid and the additive bid; and, authorize the Director of the Department of Public Works and Planning, or designee, to execute Contract Change Orders up to $38,617 which is approximately 7.39% of the total contract construction cost, the limit allowable under California Public Contract Code, Section 20142 for Contract 17-28-CConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0574 65.Second Amendment to City/County MOUApprove and authorize Chairman to execute Second Amendment to Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the County of Fresno and City of Fresno, extending the term of existing MOU by one year from June 30, 2018 to June 30, 2019; and determine that approval and authorization of Chairman to execute Second Amendment to Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding between County of Fresno and City of Fresno is exempt from requirements of California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code, section 2100, et seq., and direct Department of Public Works and Planning staff to file Notice of Exemption with Office of the Fresno County ClerkConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0575 66.Request by City of Fresno to Obtain Road Easements in the CountyConsider and approve City of Fresno’s request to acquire road easements, without eminent domain action, from two parcels adjacent to existing road right-of-way in unincorporated areas of the County as needed in conjunction with the City’s conditions of approval for Tentative Tract No. 5537, located at northwest quadrant of Cortland and Polk Avenue intersectionConducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0542 67.DSS Kerman Regional Center AmendmentApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute First Amendment to Lease Agreement (County No. 17-256/L-312P) with Kerman Shopping Plaza, LLC., for office space located at 15160-15188 W. Whitesbridge Rd, Kerman, for use by the Department of Social Services (DSS), effective the date of occupancy and increasing the overall lease maximum base rent amount by $68,616 to a total of $3,103,643 (approximate 8 year primary term)Conducted HearingsPass Action details None
18-0546 68.Amendment I to Agreement with Uplift Family Services, for SB 163 Wraparound & Therapeutic Foster Care ServicesApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment I to Agreement A-15-189 with Uplift Family Services formerly Families First to extend Wraparound Services by three months from July 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018 and increasing the maximum compensation by $489,270 to a total of $13,989,270Conducted HearingsPass Action details None