DATE: June 20, 2017
TO: Board of Supervisors
SUBMITTED BY: David Pomaville, Director, Department of Public Health
SUBJECT: Amendments and Agreement for Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Grant Program
1. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment I to revenue Agreement No. 16-589 with California Department of Public Health, for the Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention grant program, effective upon execution with no change in the term to September 30, 2019 and increasing the maximum by $196,054 to a total of $6,195,097.
2. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment I to Agreement No. 16-697 with California Health Collaborative, for healthy retail and worksite services under the Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention grant program, effective October 1, 2017 with no change in the term to September 30, 2019 and increasing the maximum by $169,000 to a total of $768,250.
3. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment I to Agreement No. 16-698 with Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, for school-based nutrition education services under the Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention grant program, effective October 1, 2017 with no change in the term to September 30, 2019 and increasing the maximum by $169,000 to a total of $883,000.
4. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment I to Agreement No. 17-053 with Sarah Samuels Center for Public Health Research and Evaluation, for evaluation services under the Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention grant program, effective upon execution with no change in the term to September 30, 2019 and increasing the maximum by $85,132 to a total of $425,132.
5. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with Sierra Health Foundation: Center for Health Program Management, for nutrition and physical activity education services under the Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention grant program, effective upon execution through September 30, 2019, with two optional one-year extensions ($723,866).
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. Approval of the first recommended action will increase funding to the Department of Public Health’s Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention (NEOP) grant provided by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) in its second and third budget years by 4.9% ($98,027) each year. Approval of the second and third recommended actions will increase funding to the existing NEOP contractors by 40% and 34%, respectively, ($84,500) per year in the second and third budget years to expand services. Approval of the fourth recommended action will increase funding to the NEOP evaluation contractor by 54% ($65,132) in the first budget year and 20% ($20,000) in the second budget year to expand services. Approval of the fifth recommended action will approve an agreement with Sierra Health Foundation: Center for Health Program Management (The Center) to provide nutrition and physical activity education in targeted low-income communities, with no increase in Net County Cost.
Should your Board not approve the first through fourth recommended actions, the Department would not be able accept additional CDPH funding and expand program services to the community. There is no viable alternative to the fifth recommended action, as the Department would be unable to fulfill required scope of work activities under Agreement No. 16-589 with CDPH.
There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. The first recommended action will increase funding in program budget years two and three by 4.9% ($98,027) each year, increasing the three-year maximum by 3.7% ($196,054) to $6,195,097. CDPH limits indirect cost recovery to 25% of personnel costs as compared with the Department’s full indirect cost rate of 26.19%. The difference ($8,621 per year) will be covered with Health Realignment funds.
California Health Collaborative (CHC), Fresno County Superintendent of Schools (FCSS) and Sarah Samuels Center for Public Health Research and Evaluation (Samuels Center) funding will be as follows:
• Year One (1/1/17 - 9/30/17): $176,250 (no change).
• Year Two (10/1/17 - 9/30/18): $296,000 (increasing $84,500; 40%).
• Year Three (10/1/18 - 9/30/19): $296,000 (increasing $84,500; 40%).
• Term maximum: $768,250 (increasing $169,000; 28%).
• Year One (1/1/17 - 9/30/17): $210,000 (no change).
• Year Two (10/1/17 - 9/30/18): $336,500 (increasing $84,500; 34%).
• Year Three (10/1/18 - 9/30/19): $336,500 (increasing $84,500; 34%).
• Term maximum: $883,000 (increasing $169,000; 24%).
Samuels Center
• Year One (3/1/17 - 9/30/17): $185,132 (increasing $65,132; 54%).
• Year Two (10/1/17 - 9/30/18): $120,000 (increasing $20,000; 20%).
• Year Three (10/1/18 - 9/30/19): $120,000 (no change).
• Term maximum: $425,132 (increasing $85,132; 25%).
If approved, the NEOP grant will fully fund the increases. Recent grant program budget revisions made funds available to increase Samuels Center’s budget year allocation and future budget year allocations to the existing NEOP contractors.
The recommended agreement with The Center will be funded by the NEOP grant. The maximum cost in the first budget year (date of execution through 9/30/17) is $203,866; $723,866 for the term. The Department will return to your Board for approval of the two optional one-year terms with contractor budgets for the extension years.
Sufficient appropriations and estimated revenues are included in the Department’s Org 5620 FY 2016-17 Adopted Budget, and will be included in Org 5620 FY 2017-18 Recommended Budget and in subsequent fiscal year budget requests.
On September 27, 2016, your Board approved Agreement No. 16-589 with CDPH to fund the NEOP grant program from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2019. On December 13, 2016, your Board approved Agreement Nos. 16-697 with CHC and 16-698 with FCSS to implement required scope of work activities for the NEOP program. Approval of the respective recommended amendments will allow the Department to expand successful existing approved scope of work strategies and activities, to include:
• improved access and appeal to healthy food options at grocery stores through marketing, in-store taste testing, healthy checkout aisles, store tours, and smarter snacking stations;
• voluntary worksite wellness programs at local qualified worksites, including schools and school districts, using the California Fit Business Kit;
• school-based wellness programs such as student-run produce stands, school gardens, physical activity opportunities, and Smarter Lunchrooms; and,
• community-driven policy, systems, and environmental change projects as they emerge.
On February 28, 2017, your Board approved Agreement No. 17-053 with the Samuels Center for required evaluation activities under the NEOP program scope of work. Staff vacancies within the program resulted in unspent grant funds; the Department proposes to use the unspent funds to add scope of work activities to the agreement. Samuels Center possesses the programmatic background knowledge and necessary skills and abilities to successfully implement additional services within the current budget year. The following activities will provide key data to facilitate community-driven policy, systems, and environmental change projects to improve opportunities for healthy and active living, and reduce the burden of health disparities and chronic disease:
• research and identify assessment tools to evaluate target communities' built environments including transportation systems, walkability, and open space opportunities to help identify opportunities and barriers to physical activity;
• train staff, other NEOP contractors, and interested community members and key leaders to assist in conducting the assessments;
• coordinate and conduct the assessments in at least four of NEOP’s six target communities; and,
• analyze data and develop a report for each assessed community to be used by residents and leaders to identify and develop priority projects to increase physical activity opportunities.
Samuels Center’s recommended amendment will increase the Year Two compensation to effectively evaluate expanded NEOP services.
On January 13, 2017, Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 17-052 was issued to solicit prospective bidders to fulfill required nutrition education scope of work activities under the NEOP grant program. Notices were sent to 102 potential vendors identified by the Department. County Internal Services Department - Purchasing Division posted notice on the Public Purchase website. The RFP required bidders to demonstrate their capacity to successfully implement nutrition and physical activity education services in the NEOP target communities.
The Department received proposals from five bidders. A five-member bid review committee was convened, comprised of Department staff and staff from Madera County Public Health Department, Kings Community Action Organization and UC CalFresh Nutrition Education -Fresno & Madera Counties. The committee evaluated each proposal on the demonstration of experience, organizational capability, staffing plan, and costs. Based on these criteria, the committee recommended entering into an agreement with The Center, which will operate through its local program Cultiva La Salud. The Center demonstrated superior knowledge, expertise and capability to successfully implement required scope of work activities, and possesses the necessary community partnerships to effectively engage residents and leaders.
The recommended agreement will fulfill required scope of work activities for the NEOP grant program, including:
• educate residents on nutrition and physical activity using an evidence-based curriculum;
• recruit interested adults, youth, and organizations to be Community Champions to implement resident-driven improvements in policy, systems, and environments;
• host community forums to assess priorities within each community; and,
• engage in multi-sector partnerships to increase program awareness, leverage resources, and enhance the impact of NEOP activities.
The recommended agreement has a base term of two years and four months; the first budget year is short due to delays in the contractual process. The agreement may be extended for two optional one-year terms, for which the Department will return to your Board for approval as a revenue agreement is not yet in place for the optional extension periods. The recommended agreement gives the Department Director, or designee, authority to make line item changes to the proposed contractor’s budget that do not exceed 10% of their maximum annual compensation.
BAI #31, February 28, 2017
BAI #36, December 13, 2016
BAI #41, September 27, 2016
On file with Clerk - Amendment I to Agreement No. 16-589 with CDPH
On file with Clerk - Amendment I to Agreement No. 16-697 with CHC
On file with Clerk - Amendment I to Agreement No. 16-698 with FCSS
On file with Clerk - Amendment I to Agreement No. 17-053 with Samuels Center
On file with Clerk - Agreement with The Center
Sonia De La Rosa